Next Steps
A Three-Part Class to Step Deeper into Purpose
Are you ready to take the next step, whether that’s as a believer, member, and/or volunteer? We want you to feel at home, become connected, and begin serving so you can do just that.
We like to keep it simple around here, so your next step is to attend our three-part Next Steps membership classes (clever, we know). While we recommend taking the classes in order, we understand life happens, so it is not required.
Class descriptions are below. Class details are listed in the box to the right. Classes are subject to change.
To register for our Next Steps classes, click the “sign-up” button.
Class Details
Once you register for Next Steps, you will be contacted about the upcoming round of classes!
Please be sure to register by clicking the “sign-up” button.
CLASS ONE: iCommit
Your first step is to commit your life to Jesus and then join yourself to a Body of Believers. This class covers the history and vision of Purpose House and sets the groundwork for our culture and doctrinal beliefs.
We like to say it’s about relationship, not religion. This class covers basic teaching on how to nurture your relationship with God. Some of the topics taught in this class include prayer, fasting, Bible study, communion, water baptism, and more.
This class introduces you to the ways you can serve at Purpose House. You’ll have the opportunity to take a Gifts Assessment test to help you better understand your gifts and help guide you to where you best fit.